What is a contract for the lease and hire of work?

The contract for the lease and hire of work is a document that allows a contractor to do the job for a headmaster in return for a fee. This represents an agreement by which a contractor puts in place an agreement to carry out specific work. In other words, this document binds a lessor and a principal.

What is a contract for the lease and hire of work?

The contract for the lease and hire of work on Opticourtage, also known as a service contract, manages the relationship between a contractor and a client. The former is the one who carries out the work in exchange for a fee and the latter is the one who commissions it. In other words, the latter gets the salary fixed in the document when he or she has completed and delivered the work. The contractor or lessor commits to performing completing a particular type of work. The document drawn up can relate to several sectors of activity such as construction.

What does a contract for the lease and hire of work establish?

During the undertaking of the work to which the lessor has committed and the enactment of the contract, the lessor remains independent. It's worth noting that the client must not intervene or interfere in the contractor's tasks. To ascertain and validate the proper execution of the contract as well as for the payment of the remuneration, these 2 parties meet at the end of the work. The contractor is therefore compelled to deliver the work on time, while the client must recover the delivery, even if the result does not meet his or her expectations. In addition, he or she must approve that the work contract has been executed.

The insurance required when setting up a contract for the lease and hire of work

In order to prevent future damage, both parties must take out insurance. According to the law, they must put in place guarantees that consist of providing for the repair of damage that may occur following delivery. Article 1792-1 of the French Civil Code requires the project manager to take out a contract of work insurance. The ten-year guarantee covers all losses that may affect the solidity of the work. Additional guarantees such as the damage insurance policy allow for the pre-financing of repairs to damage related to the ten-year guarantee. The insurer is the one who can recover the funds advanced by appealing against that of the lessor of the work.

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