Zero mileage aid’s main benefits

The zero mileage aid is a car cover, allowing the insured to have the guarantee to be assisted at any time, from the threshold of their home, while benefitting from other benefits. Not all insurance companies offer this type of assistance. It is therefore crucial to check that it is included in your contract before taking out the policy.

Zero mileage aid

Being an optional benefit, zero mileage aid is not included in some car insurance policies. Depending on the insurance company, the mileage allowance is on average 50 km from your home. As a result, many policyholders will not receive help if a breakdown or claim occurs near their home. However, zero mileage aid allows you to be helped wherever your car breaks down, even a hundred metres from your home. Most insurers offer this type of cover. To take advantage of the broader guarantees, you should take out a comprehensive car insurance policy or an intermediate insurance policy. In a car, you can never be sure whether a breakdown or an accident can happen, even in front of your home!

Steps to take to add zero mileage aid to an insurance policy

Before adding a zero mileage guarantee to your contract, check with your insurer whether they offer this type of service. If you have already taken out comprehensive insurance, you can ask them to add it to your contract. On the other hand, if you only have third-party insurance that only covers third-party liability, change your contract and take out additional cover. However, by doing so, your insurance premium will be affected. The addition of this cover increases the insurance premium by twenty to fifty euros. Each insurer has its price list, so compare the most advantageous offers before deciding.

The benefits of taking out zero mileage aid

In order to cover the various risks associated with owning and driving a car, your insurance contract should be perfectly suited to your needs. With zero mileage aid, you can cover various claims such as car theft, fuel or mechanical breakdowns, fires, punctures and accidents. By taking out a zero mileage policy, you will indeed benefit from immediate assistance, regardless of the distance or proximity to your home. This guarantee can even go so far as to provide a replacement vehicle if needed and spare you the need for looking for an emergency solution; you can go to work or take your children to school without any worries! In short, by abolishing the mileage allowance, this guarantee will make your life much easier.

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